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Posts with the category “from-the-pastor”

Once upon a time…
by Pastor Anita on October 15th, 2024
Once upon a time, a toddler and his parents lived in a village. They shared a tiny home in their newly adopted town. The neighbors welcomed them. Life was simple. The little one grew and prospered, safe and sound. Until the world invaded, and angry men with swords drawn threatened his life. His parents, as all good parents would do, sought to protect their son from danger. So, in the dark of nigh...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on October 8th, 2024
Happy Birthday Bea! Beatrice Swartley Barr was born in Brooklyn, NY, on October 7, 1924. In 1924, the United States had 48 states and Calvin Coolidge was President. That year, Native Americans were granted citizenship, and the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was held. Gas cost 13 cents per gallon and Wheaties cereal was born. In 1924, Jimmy Carter, Henry Mancini and Gloria Vanderbilt were bor...  Read More
Neighborly Neighbors
by Pastor Anita on October 1st, 2024
Boston, a city known for its fast-paced, cosmopolitan culture has also been judged “the least friendly city in the US” (according to a study done by the University of Michigan). According to the study, Bostonians are “rude and proud of it.” So, we were not surprised when our Bostonian friend decided it was time for a change. In a world of remote work that allows a ‘live anywhere’ lifestyle, our f...  Read More
While you wait…
by Pastor Anita on September 24th, 2024
The wait is over… or at least in part… Last night, a crowd of 42,382 stood, cheering… the Phanatic dancing… Fans tuned in across the region. We could all taste the sweet savor of a victory long in the coming. But not until the last out was called could the victory celebration begin. At 9:36pm, the Phillies won the National League East Championship for the first time in thirteen years. They officia...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on September 17th, 2024
Before you dig in… We have all been there… hungry at the end of the day… the food piping hot… the smells inviting… the stomach grumbling. Our fork is poised as we hear those famous words- “Before you dig in…” My mother said those words so often we should have etched them on her tombstone at Arlington. They were her reminder to pause, before a bite was enjoyed, to pray. Mom believed in the importan...  Read More
Love thy enemies…
by Pastor Anita on September 10th, 2024
We watch as two enemies meet… Their rivalry precedes them. The rules of engagement are etched into their culture and politics. Some choose a side, but most are just born into their place on one side of the aisle or the other. Their family narrative justifies one as ‘right’ and the other as ‘wrong’… the division woven into the fabric of their identity so long ago that most have forgotten their orig...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on September 3rd, 2024
Kick-off… the act that puts the ball into play… the commencement of something new… the beginning of…We are in the season of kick-offs… so many kick-offs… each one exciting… promising a season of potential… The Kick-Off puts the ball into play. It is the act that starts every football game with the kicker sending the ball the length of the field to waiting receivers. Only 22% of kick-offs were ...  Read More
Ebb and Flow
by Pastor Anita on August 27th, 2024
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Imagine standing on a sandy shoreline looking out at the vast expanse of water. It is a quiet morning. The storms troubling the Caribbean have stayed at bay, so the waves are gentle as they lap against your feet. Each surge of water is followed by an equal draw that pulls grains of sand from under your f...  Read More
The Superstar of superstars
by Pastor Anita on August 20th, 2024
Their relationship began like many these days with a question through a dating app. “Which Star Wars movie is your favorite?” The answer: “Episode V”- a response that seems rather cryptic to those of us who are not fans of Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back is actually the 2nd movie in a trilogy that became a series in which this movie is Episode V. If you wonder how the second movie became the f...  Read More
The Seine
by Pastor Anita on August 13th, 2024
Iconic… romantic… strategic… inspiring… The Seine is all the above and more as it flows through Paris, the City of Lights. UNESCO World Heritage sites line her banks from the Louvre Museum and the Grand Palais, to the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral rising from the ashes. The river flows through the center of this great city creating districts on the left and right bank for culture and comme...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on August 6th, 2024
Who compares with you among the gods, O Lord? Who compares with you in power, in holy majesty, in awesome praises? You are a wonder-working God! Exodus 15:11 (the Message) Today, I am sitting on a veranda on the side of one of the largest ships in the world. On any given cruise, this ship can accommodate over 6000 passengers along with over 1000 crew members. They tell us that this cruise is at ...  Read More
What If Peace…
by Pastor Anita on July 30th, 2024
I have caught the fever that holds millions in its grip today…No… this is not a new wave of COVID… I have the fever that comes every two years, stealing away our valuable sleep as we sit glued to our TVs and internet feeds to catch a glimpse of Olympic excellence. Perhaps you are a bit tired today because you stayed up late last night to watch our Men’s Gymnastics team bring home the Bronze, break...  Read More
Beyond Civility
by Pastor Anita on July 16th, 2024
I am praying today… for the former President and his family, thankful that his life was spared, but knowing that the assassination attempt leaves a trauma that will be long in the healing. I am praying today for a family in mourning for a husband and father who lost his life shielding his family on that Pennsylvania farm field, and for the two men who thankfully will recover from their wounds. I a...  Read More
How are the Children?
by Pastor Anita on July 9th, 2024
Grand and terrifying Masai warriors of Kenya offer each other a traditional greeting- “Casserian Engeri.” It means, “How are the children?” They do not ask each other, “How are you?” or “How’s your day?” but rather they ask about the next generation. The Masai believe that monitoring the well-being of their children is the best way to determine the current state of their society and its future he...  Read More
Playing for Jesus
by Pastor Anita on July 2nd, 2024
My heart has been heavy for days… because I fear for our nation. I watch our politicians bandy about the name of God. They wave the Bible as a political stunt and claim the faith as a means to a human end, to gain power and glory for themselves. We call upon God to bless America as if we are a chosen nation. But a deep read of the Old Testament and the history of ancient Israel- of the 10 tribes ...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on June 25th, 2024
When I was a child, my mother decided that chess was an essential skill for the development of the mind, so, out came the board, and the lessons commenced. Unfortunately, I was never an apt student of the game. My memories of afternoons spent sparing with my brothers always end with my King face down on the table. The last few days, I have been reading about chess, finding it much more fascinatin...  Read More
Everyone loves a winner…
by Pastor Anita on June 18th, 2024
Well, maybe not the Celtics… I am a Philadelphia sports fan through and throughEagles, Flyers, Phillies, Union, and 76ers. I may not have grown up in Philadelphia, but I have become a fan of the sports in my adopted city. Last night I gave a passing glance at the Celtics’ victory in the NBA finals because they are my brother’s favorite team. Don’t ask me how a guy who grew up living all over the ...  Read More
History Lessons
by Pastor Anita on June 11th, 2024
At dawn on June 6, 1944, American Rangers jumped off British landing crafts onto French beaches. They ran to the base of the cliffs and started to climb. Their mission was one of the hardest of the invasion- to climb the cliffs of Normandy to take out the enemy guns. They shot rope ladders to the top and began to ascend. When one ranger would fall another would take his place. Two-hundred and twe...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on June 4th, 2024
Back in the day… He was a travelling evangelist, garnering crowds in Asian villages with Billy Graham-like zeal. The good news of Jesus was new to those majority Hindu gatherings. His proclamation of God’s grace was met with an enthusiastic response, one life after the next surrendered to Jesus. He followed those boisterous crusades with the hard work of developing faith communities where young di...  Read More
Memorial Day
by Pastor Anita on May 28th, 2024
For most of us, Memorial Day is a day for parades, flag waving, and cookouts. For the nation, it is a day to remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedom. For me, it is the day I remember the soldier who lost his life to save mine… I know the story because it was told to me. I was too young to remember on my own, but my parents thought this story was so important they told it to me ...  Read More
The Future begins today…
by Pastor Anita on May 21st, 2024
Sunday, there was JOY in the house of the Lord as fourteen teens took an important step in faith. Those gathered at Lenape Valley that day witnessed our Genesis youth lead worship and read snippets of their faith statements. In true beginner fashion, some lines were read too quickly, and some words were lost as youth strayed from the mic. Their voices quivered and their hands shook, but their exc...  Read More
Start Counting
by Pastor Anita on May 14th, 2024
Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil 4:8 Paul was writing from a prison cell, and the people who received the letter were facing the harsh persecution of Rome, hell-bent on wiping out the growing ‘Christian problem.’ Knowing ...  Read More
When the Neighbor You Have is not the Neighbor You Want (part II)
by Pastor Anita on May 7th, 2024
Love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27 What’s in a name? Every parent instinctively knows the importance of a name. From the time they learn that a little one is on the way to the moment that their little one is placed in their arms, parents ponder the right name to give their child. Parents know that a name casts the first impression. Our family followed a Biblical theme in naming our childr...  Read More
When the Neighbor You Have is not the Neighbor You Want (part I)
by Pastor Anita on April 30th, 2024
Love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27 Every Christian, even many who have not darkened the door of a church in years, can quote Jesus’ teaching concerning our neighbors. Love thy neighbor is the standard expected. That standard is found not just in Christianity but in most major religions, expressed in different terms, but all coming to the same basic conclusion. We ought to love one another...  Read More
Church and Union
by Pastor Anita on April 23rd, 2024
The Sunday before last, I had the opportunity to enjoy a little southern hospitality in one of the most beautiful cities in our nation- Charleston, South Carolina. Affectionately called “the Holy City,” Charleston is home not only to historic landmarks and amazing restaurants, but also to over 400 churches, some dating back to the founding of Charles Towne in 1670. One of those churches has been d...  Read More
The True Cost of the Churchgoing Bust
by Pastor Anita on April 16th, 2024
I remember when going to church was the norm. Friendships were formed at church. Good parents brought their children to church. My mother told me I should meet the guy I would marry at church. (Sorry Mom, I met him at Penn State- We Are!) When you moved into the neighborhood, even before all the boxes were unpacked, you found a church. I know that I am dating myself… but many of you who read this...  Read More
It’s Who You Know
by Pastor Anita on April 9th, 2024
Consider a situation in which two undergraduates are hoping to get the last spot in a specific graduate school program. Their grades are comparable, but one is best friends with the Dean of Admission's son. Who gets that last spot? It’s who you know… Consider a new job position open at a prestigious company. Two final candidates remain. One candidate may have a better educational background and s...  Read More
Trust- the Light will dawn…
by Pastor Anita on April 2nd, 2024
Where will you be on Monday, April 8th at 3:23pm? The weather ap predicts a clear day in New Britain, PA, with a gentle breeze and temperatures in the low 60s to welcome an event that will not come again in North America until May 1, 2079. Step outside Monday, anytime between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. You will experience the development of this rare phenomenon, with the height, or perhaps the dark, of th...  Read More
Finding Your Face in the Crowd…
by Pastor Anita on March 26th, 2024
Were you there…? That haunting question, from one of the oft sung hymns of holy week, brought me back to a family trip years ago to the Swiss Alps. There we fell in love with Lucerne, a quaint, picturesque city in the heart of the Swiss Alps, centered on a lake with ducks that dive deep into the water for their food. Those looking for an adventure can take a cable car ride to Mt. Pilatus for stunn...  Read More
Just start cooking…
by Pastor Anita on March 19th, 2024
On March 12, 2024, a barge carrying 200 tons of rice, flour, lentils, and canned meats left Cyprus. It took three days for the ship, the Open Arms, to tow the barge 210 nautical miles across the Mediterranean Sea to a makeshift jetty constructed out of rubble off the coast of Gaza. The goal according to Jose Andres, the founder of World Central Kitchen: “to establish a maritime highway of boats an...  Read More
In all things…
by Pastor Anita on March 12th, 2024
Four years ago…Reports splashed across our news feeds of a deadly virus that was rapidly infecting the nation. For days, the news media depicted the spread with maps dotted in red showing the virus quickly reaching epidemic levels- the East coast its last and certain target. As a pastor, I was on my knees for wisdom. Should Lenape Valley Church close our doors to protect our people from the potent...  Read More
Retirement is the New Opportunity
by Pastor Anita on March 5th, 2024
The news came as no surprise… a bittersweet moment for every Philadelphian who loves the game. Yesterday, Jason Kelce announced his retirement after 13 years as the Center for the Philadelphia Eagles. Thirteen years, two Super Bowl appearances, one Super Bowl championship, six first team All Pro selections, Kelce ended his career with 156 consecutive starts earning him the Iron Man record for the...  Read More
In a world where you can be anything… be kind
by Pastor Anita on February 27th, 2024
CBS- the initials not of a TV station, but of a brilliant young man… a Yale educated AllAmerican lacrosse player who went on to be a successful day trader on Wall Street. The demands of his day job never kept him from answering a text or making a call. His friends knew that he cared, that he would always put the need of another first. When an infection threatened to take his life, it was my privi...  Read More
Salty Footsteps
by Pastor Anita on February 20th, 2024
A confession… Sunday morning, I was in a rush… so many last-minute details to refine before worship. I am a perfectionist in a business that defies perfection, yet that does not prevent me from rushing into the church building early on Sunday morning to attempt the impossible. In the front door, through the lobby, down the hall, and into my office… I dumped my briefcase, purse, and assorted suppli...  Read More
by Pastor Anita on February 15th, 2024
It’s that time again… but what does Lent really mean?Lent is the season in the church calendar that calls believers to prepare heart and mind for the embrace of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and his Easter victory. Since the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, the practice of honoring a 40-day period of fasting and prayer has been a part of the Christian tradition for many believers. That 40-day discip...  Read More
The Bowl
by Pastor Anita on February 6th, 2024
What’s in a bowl? This morning my bowl held Corn Chex swimming in cold milk. Hopefully for lunch my bowl will hold some hot soup to ward off the chill of the day. And tonight, my bowl will contain a simple salad dressed in a garlic vinaigrette. Friday, our granddaughters are coming for a sleep-over party, so my bowl will be a part of a cooking adventure that is more sweet than healthy. Webster’s D...  Read More
Danger of the Single Story
by Pastor Anita on January 30th, 2024
Consider the danger of the single story… In 2009, Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a TED Talk on the “danger of a single story.” It has become one of the most watched TED Talks in history with over 35 million views. Adichie grew up on the campus of a Nigerian University where her father was a professor and her mother a university administrator. At the age of 19 she moved to Philadelph...  Read More
For Glory--- For God
by Pastor Anita on January 23rd, 2024
If you are an Eagles’ fan, this season had a painful end leaving many of us a bit disheartened. But if you love the game, there is still much excitement to enjoy as teams vie for football glory. Last weekend offered us two blow-outs and two fierce battles. While you may have nodded off while the Ravens trounced the Texans, and again when the Lions showed the Buccaneers the door, the Packers-49ers ...  Read More
Crowd Mentality
by Pastor Anita on January 18th, 2024
What do Iowa caucuses… Buffalo football… NY City Christmas lights… and Taylor Swift have in common? Curious?Consider the case of those Iowa caucuses…Those of us who vote in a primary state… who want to get in and out as quickly as possible… who walk past those who are campaigning at the poll site refusing to listen because we have ‘already decided’… and truth be told would choose to stay home and ...  Read More
The Final Scene…
by Pastor Anita on January 9th, 2024
Jeremiah is often called 'the weeping prophet' because the devastation of God's chosen people was so painful to him. Jeremiah and his people wept as victims of hate, but what do we do if our hand has touched the sword? In the complexity of the world today, am I victim… or perpetrator… or mere spectator of the horror? And if spectator, have I no place in God’s plan for the redemption of this world?...  Read More



