Ebb and Flow
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Imagine standing on a sandy shoreline looking out at the vast expanse of water. It is a quiet morning. The storms troubling the Caribbean have stayed at bay, so the waves are gentle as they lap against your feet. Each surge of water is followed by an equal draw that pulls grains of sand from under your feet. The waves are tempered so the pull of sand requires only a slight adjustment of your feet to maintain stability. That ebb and flow creates a simple game that tests your balance. When the waves are gentle and calm, the game is fun to play and easy to win. But we all have known time when the ebb and flow has brought bigger waves. Imagine trying to maintain balance as the waves crash with greater intensity- each surge matched with an equal draw of water and sand. Balance is harder to find, and a challenge to maintain. And when a storm hits, we dare not keep our post on that sandy shoreline, for fear of being swept away.
Ebb and flow…
Life ebbs and flows, sometimes with a gentle pattern that we can easily discern and manage, other times with greater intensity that challenges our balance. While most of us do not like change, we accept that reality with relative grace because we know change is a part of life. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us of the constant that is change.
Ebb and flow…
Life ebbs and flows, sometimes with a gentle pattern that we can easily discern and manage, other times with greater intensity that challenges our balance. While most of us do not like change, we accept that reality with relative grace because we know change is a part of life. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us of the constant that is change.
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
It is one of the paradoxes of God's nature: He is constant, and yet He works seasonally. God intentionally created life to ebb and flow— the seasons, the planting and harvest, the tides of the ocean, the chapters of our lives. Ecclesiastes reminds us not only that change is inevitable, but that each season of life serves a purpose ordained in God’s greater plan. Embracing the ebb and flow of life allows us to find meaning and fulfillment in every moment, whether it be one of growth, transition, or reflection. But still, we have our moments when we rail against the waves that come as we struggle to keep our balance.
Today is one of those days… it is with great sadness that the Elders of Lenape Valley Church have accepted the resignation of Diane Daly, the Director of Worship at LVC. Diane will be sorely missed as a visionary leader, a creative mind, a voice that blessed our worship, but most of all as a friend. For over 13 years, Diane has led our worship ministry, inspiring us each Sunday in worship, and creating special services that made Advent and Lent moving experiences. How many of our Christmas Eves have been graced by Diane singing O Holy Night? During the pandemic, Diane led a fearless team to create worship that held our faith community together even through distance. In big and small ways, Diane’s ministry at Lenape Valley has touched all our lives. It will be hard for many of us to imagine Sunday without a little taste of Diane’s sunshine. Diane’s leaving has caused a wave to hit with the resulting draw of sand from beneath our feet. Yet, in God’s ebb and flow, already gifts of music and leadership are pouring in to reclaim the balance and momentum of our ministry. Kevin Hamp and Tim Campbell will work through the fall as a leadership team to blend the strengths of our traditional and contemporary music into beautiful worship and an inspiring concert on September 15th. We are blessed with staff and volunteers who are stepping up to create beauty that will inspire and give glory to God.
In true ebb and flow dynamics of life, even as we miss Diane’s ministry in our midst, we are joyful to welcome Brandon Best to our staff as the new Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. For two years, we have searched for the one God would call to this important position in our church. Brandon is a graduate of Ohio State University and has a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary. He comes with 10 years of ministry experience in the church and with Young Life. Most recently, he was the Tri-County Area Director for Young Life based in Phoenixville. Brandon and his wife Faith have two children: Florence (Flossy) who is almost 4 years old, and Asa who is 7 months old. The Best family will join our Lenape Valley fellowship in September. Many thanks to our faithful search team and to Matthias who cared for our youth during the interim.
The painter Vincent Van Gogh once said: While the sea ebbs and flows with the tides, the sea remains the sea. In the same way, even as life ebbs and flows with varying intensity, we remember that the One who created the oceans never changes, and He holds us in the palm of His hand. No wave can strike that His strength cannot counter, no draw of sand can unsettle that His plan cannot secure. We serve a risen Savior, who is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)
With you, eagerly anticipating the new season God is bringing in our midst,
In true ebb and flow dynamics of life, even as we miss Diane’s ministry in our midst, we are joyful to welcome Brandon Best to our staff as the new Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. For two years, we have searched for the one God would call to this important position in our church. Brandon is a graduate of Ohio State University and has a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary. He comes with 10 years of ministry experience in the church and with Young Life. Most recently, he was the Tri-County Area Director for Young Life based in Phoenixville. Brandon and his wife Faith have two children: Florence (Flossy) who is almost 4 years old, and Asa who is 7 months old. The Best family will join our Lenape Valley fellowship in September. Many thanks to our faithful search team and to Matthias who cared for our youth during the interim.
The painter Vincent Van Gogh once said: While the sea ebbs and flows with the tides, the sea remains the sea. In the same way, even as life ebbs and flows with varying intensity, we remember that the One who created the oceans never changes, and He holds us in the palm of His hand. No wave can strike that His strength cannot counter, no draw of sand can unsettle that His plan cannot secure. We serve a risen Savior, who is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)
With you, eagerly anticipating the new season God is bringing in our midst,
Posted in From The Pastor
1 Comment
A beautiful reminder that every day in our lives has a time and season. Change is eminent and though we struggle through these challenges. The great Yah-way is constant. This morning I was reading Genesis 12:1-5. It lends itself to this subject about waiting â¤ï¸