each part does its work
ephesians 4:16

anita bell
pastor | head of staff
Anita joined the life and ministry of Lenape Valley Church in September, 2015. She is the daughter of a Navy Chaplain, growing up in military ports around the world. She is a graduate of Penn State (and very proud to cheer “We Are!”), Princeton Seminary, and has earned her doctorate from Drew University. Her doctoral dissertation focused on J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. Anita has served churches in PA, DE and NJ. She also teaches at Chestnut Hill College in the Religious Studies Department. Anita has a passion for reaching the emerging generations with the good news of Jesus Christ. She has a passion for worship, a desire to help people explore the Word of God, and a pastor’s heart for those in need.
Anita and her husband Greg have four grown children- Daniel and his wife Jen have three little girls; Grace received her MBA at Wharton; Matthias is a musician and Matthew works as a carpenter. Anita enjoys a long walk, a good book, a hard workout, and a leisurely conversation with friends.
Anita and her husband Greg have four grown children- Daniel and his wife Jen have three little girls; Grace received her MBA at Wharton; Matthias is a musician and Matthew works as a carpenter. Anita enjoys a long walk, a good book, a hard workout, and a leisurely conversation with friends.

Brandon best
Youth Ministry Director
Brandon is a Buckeye living in Southeastern Pennsylvania with his wife (Faith), daughter (Florence), and son (Asa). He and Faith are alumni of Ohio State and have been working with teenagers for fifteen years through Young Life, as a therapist (Faith), school teacher, coach, and various ministry roles inside and outside the church. Brandon has his Master of Divinity through Westminster Theological Seminary. He is passionate to disciple and reaching the next generation with the Gospel.
Brandon enjoys traveling with Faith, going to parks with his kids, a good book, finding the best coffee shop, watching the Buckeyes and the Eagles, and board games.
Brandon enjoys traveling with Faith, going to parks with his kids, a good book, finding the best coffee shop, watching the Buckeyes and the Eagles, and board games.

amie bolger
christian education coordinator
Amie has been active at Lenape Valley Church since 2010 as a Sunday School teacher, nursery assistant, and a choir mom. She became the Director of Children’s Ministry in 2016. Amie has a Master’s Degree in Education and was a teacher for 12 years in Central Bucks School District before resigning to raise her family. She and her husband, John, have two children, Maddie and Matthew, who are active in Sunday School, EPIC, and Youth Group. Amie also currently works as an Instructional Assistant in Mathematics at Doyle Elementary.

laura cooney
Office Manager
Laura has been employed by the church since 1992, first on a part-time basis and then full-time since 1996. Prior to 1992 she was a stay at home mom who was actively involved in many ministries of the church, such as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Stephen’s Ministry, Bethel Bible Study and a weekly women’s Bible study group. Laura truly feels that the Lord prepared her for this position by leading her to be involved in these many ministries of the church. Outside of the office, Laura has led a weekly Bible study group, MIST – (Mom’s in Support Together), since September 2005. She and her husband, Jim, have two grown children and three grandchildren.

jr wolff
it director
JR's roots run deep here at LVC. His family has been involved at Lenape Valley since the early days of the church. He has been a member of the church since he was 12 years of age. His passion for this ministry and community grew rapidly when he became a youth leader and eventually hired as a part time IT Director. JR has worked behind the scenes to help incorporate creative ways IT can be used to advance the work of God. JR served as an Elder on the Board of Session for 3 years as a faithful leader of this community. He currently serves alongside our IT Team and is a member of our Finance Team. He lives in Doylestown, PA and will never miss an Eagles game!

mike Rothouse
it coordinator
Mike has been attending Lenape Valley Church since 2013 and finally became a member in February 2016. He is an ordained Deacon and serves on the Youth Development Team. He volunteers time serving with Youth Mission trips and fundraisers, Youth Group activities, and Vacation Bible School.
During the week, Mike is an IT Project Manager. In his spare time, he is a Certified Equine Massage Therapist. Mike's wife Kathie volunteers teaching Sunday School at LVC. They live in Chalfont with their daughter Dana.
During the week, Mike is an IT Project Manager. In his spare time, he is a Certified Equine Massage Therapist. Mike's wife Kathie volunteers teaching Sunday School at LVC. They live in Chalfont with their daughter Dana.

bianca lee
church organist
Bianca has served as an organist/choir accompanist of LVC since 2014. Before she joined LVC, she served as an organist at First Philadelphia Korean Presbyterian Church for 5 years.
She was born and grew up in Seoul, South Korea and immigrated to USA in 2003. Bianca began to learn the piano at the age of 8 and has been involved in music activities in the church and school since then.
Bianca has a passion for enhancing our worship with various genres of music. She loves all types of music: classical, Baroque to contemporary, jazz, gospel, traditional hymn, and praise.
Bianca occasionally works as a graphic designer and English-Korean translator. She and her husband, Seung, have two children, Ryan, who enjoys violin and guitar, and Ellen, who enjoys the flute and piano. Bianca takes pleasure in cooking and sharing her dishes, especially traditional Korean food. She also loves outdoor activities such as jogging, walking, and vegetable gardening.
She was born and grew up in Seoul, South Korea and immigrated to USA in 2003. Bianca began to learn the piano at the age of 8 and has been involved in music activities in the church and school since then.
Bianca has a passion for enhancing our worship with various genres of music. She loves all types of music: classical, Baroque to contemporary, jazz, gospel, traditional hymn, and praise.
Bianca occasionally works as a graphic designer and English-Korean translator. She and her husband, Seung, have two children, Ryan, who enjoys violin and guitar, and Ellen, who enjoys the flute and piano. Bianca takes pleasure in cooking and sharing her dishes, especially traditional Korean food. She also loves outdoor activities such as jogging, walking, and vegetable gardening.
class of 2025
Cindy DeHaven
Patti Fitzer
Mickie Koffel
Darlaine Manning
John Rothrock
Lana Rothrock
Bonnie White
class of 2026
Lee Losse
Kam King
Alice Miller
Bob Miller
Charlotte Stevens
Caroline Wolff
Donna Brigo
class of 2027
Linda Curtis
Linda DeMusz
Kaylee Gillen
Sandra Marley
Karen Truman
additional parish care
Parish Nurse - Leah Weidemoyer
Parish Visitation - Carol and Jeff Stern
current session members
class of 2025
Beth Clark
Amy Murray
John Wolff
Don Hamp
class of 2026
Jim Bauerle
Amanda Kelly
Danielle Malat
Dave Smith
class of 2027
Kathy Johnson
Deborah Edwards
Sharon Sandt
Scott Weidemoyer
Marcia Woods - Clerk of Session
To send or request information for our Board of Elders, please reach out to Marcia
and she can best direct you. You can email her HERE.
and she can best direct you. You can email her HERE.
get involved
Interested in volunteering, but don't know where to start? Below is a list of ministry leaders. You may contact them through the church office.
Caring for Friends - Faith Frank
Christian Education - Amy Murray
Church Has Left the Building - Karen Greer / Sue Brodish
Communion Committee - Lee Losse
Fellowship Committee - Sharon Sandt
Garden Committee - Linda Hamp
Help A Family - Sue Brodish
Missional Church/Mission - Karen Greer
Nursery Care Team -Laura Cooney
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Faith Frank / Lee Losse
Property Team - John Wolff
Spiritual Life Leader - Kathy Johnson
Worship/Music Ministry-Deborah Edwards
Youth Development Team -Brandon Best
Contemporary Worship Team Leader - Tim Campbell
Christian Education - Amy Murray
Church Has Left the Building - Karen Greer / Sue Brodish
Communion Committee - Lee Losse
Fellowship Committee - Sharon Sandt
Garden Committee - Linda Hamp
Help A Family - Sue Brodish
Missional Church/Mission - Karen Greer
Nursery Care Team -Laura Cooney
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Faith Frank / Lee Losse
Property Team - John Wolff
Spiritual Life Leader - Kathy Johnson
Worship/Music Ministry-Deborah Edwards
Youth Development Team -Brandon Best
Contemporary Worship Team Leader - Tim Campbell