The Bowl
What’s in a bowl?
This morning my bowl held Corn Chex swimming in cold milk. Hopefully for lunch my bowl will hold some hot soup to ward off the chill of the day. And tonight, my bowl will contain a simple salad dressed in a garlic vinaigrette. Friday, our granddaughters are coming for a sleep-over party, so my bowl will be a part of a cooking adventure that is more sweet than healthy. Webster’s Dictionary defines a bowl as a “concave, semi-hemispherical vessel.” Archaeologists tell us that bowls have been around for 1000s of years, since well before the time of Christ. In layperson’s terms, a bowl is a container that holds what we want, for as long as we want, for whatever purpose we want. For most of us, bowls are just a regular part of our daily lives.
This Sunday the bowl that we will enjoy will be “Super.” The Bowl, otherwise known as Allegiant Stadium, is fully enclosed and climate controlled, like an oversized, insulated Tupperware container. Sixty-five thousand fans will fill the stadium for the LVIII Super Bowl, while an estimated 300,000 other guests will share in the surrounding fun of a Las Vegas Super Bowl. (Extra credit to those who remember their Roman numerals and can tell me what number the 2024 Super Bowl is!) Last year, the Super Bowl was the sight of a brother-face-off. The Dueling Brothers last year were the Kelce boys- Jason playing center for the Eagles and his younger brother Travis playing tight end for the Chiefs. They are loud, at times profane, always fun, and very committed to their teams. They weigh a total of 555 pounds. Imagine being the mother of those two huge humans! For the game, Donna Kelce wore an outfit that was ½ Eagles and ½ Chiefs, while she cheered equally for both boys as only a mother can do.
This year, the Super Bowl will again be the sight of a brother face-off, this time between two brothers in the faithPatrick Mahomes, quarterback for the Chiefs and Brock Purdy, quarterback of the 49ers. Both players have been outspoken about their faith. When celebrating the 49ers NFC Championship over the Bills, Purdy said, “I give God all the glory first and foremost.” In like fashion, when the Chiefs won the AFC Championship over the Ravens, Mahomes said, “It’s not about winning, its about giving God all the glory on the field. God gets the big stage at the Super Bowl.” Together, these two brothers in Christ point to the One who is greater than any Super Bowl.
Here at Lenape Valley, there is one more Bowl happening on Sunday- also a ‘super’ bowl… The Super Bowl of Mission. The bowl that we will use on Sunday morning will look more like a plastic bag. Into that vessel we will pour rice, soybean, dried vegies, and a vitamin pack. With a quick check of weight and a heat seal those bags will be boxed and ready for shipping. Picture Fellowship Hall, filled to capacity, with the people of God singing, dancing and joyfully serving. If you have never done 20,000 Meals, you are just one hairnet away from the experience of a lifetime. The bowls we create will be shipped to schools in 3rd world countries, so that children will not just eat for a day but will learn so that they can feed their families for a lifetime. Think of all the lives our Sunday morning Super Bowl of Mission will change!
I invite you to the Super Bowl at LV… Lenape Valley not Las Vegas. The Super Bowl in Las Vegas would cost you approximately $11,600 for a ticket, flight, and hotel room. This price tag does not include food or souvenirs. But at Lenape Valley, the cost of the Super Bowl is an hour of your time, the skill of your hands, and the joy of your heart. Your souvenir- a beautiful red hairnet- is yours for free! I hope you will join us on Sunday morning to partner with what God is doing in the world. Then go home to enjoy the other Super Bowl from the cheap seats in your own home.
With you ready for the best Super Bowl ever!
This morning my bowl held Corn Chex swimming in cold milk. Hopefully for lunch my bowl will hold some hot soup to ward off the chill of the day. And tonight, my bowl will contain a simple salad dressed in a garlic vinaigrette. Friday, our granddaughters are coming for a sleep-over party, so my bowl will be a part of a cooking adventure that is more sweet than healthy. Webster’s Dictionary defines a bowl as a “concave, semi-hemispherical vessel.” Archaeologists tell us that bowls have been around for 1000s of years, since well before the time of Christ. In layperson’s terms, a bowl is a container that holds what we want, for as long as we want, for whatever purpose we want. For most of us, bowls are just a regular part of our daily lives.
This Sunday the bowl that we will enjoy will be “Super.” The Bowl, otherwise known as Allegiant Stadium, is fully enclosed and climate controlled, like an oversized, insulated Tupperware container. Sixty-five thousand fans will fill the stadium for the LVIII Super Bowl, while an estimated 300,000 other guests will share in the surrounding fun of a Las Vegas Super Bowl. (Extra credit to those who remember their Roman numerals and can tell me what number the 2024 Super Bowl is!) Last year, the Super Bowl was the sight of a brother-face-off. The Dueling Brothers last year were the Kelce boys- Jason playing center for the Eagles and his younger brother Travis playing tight end for the Chiefs. They are loud, at times profane, always fun, and very committed to their teams. They weigh a total of 555 pounds. Imagine being the mother of those two huge humans! For the game, Donna Kelce wore an outfit that was ½ Eagles and ½ Chiefs, while she cheered equally for both boys as only a mother can do.
This year, the Super Bowl will again be the sight of a brother face-off, this time between two brothers in the faithPatrick Mahomes, quarterback for the Chiefs and Brock Purdy, quarterback of the 49ers. Both players have been outspoken about their faith. When celebrating the 49ers NFC Championship over the Bills, Purdy said, “I give God all the glory first and foremost.” In like fashion, when the Chiefs won the AFC Championship over the Ravens, Mahomes said, “It’s not about winning, its about giving God all the glory on the field. God gets the big stage at the Super Bowl.” Together, these two brothers in Christ point to the One who is greater than any Super Bowl.
Here at Lenape Valley, there is one more Bowl happening on Sunday- also a ‘super’ bowl… The Super Bowl of Mission. The bowl that we will use on Sunday morning will look more like a plastic bag. Into that vessel we will pour rice, soybean, dried vegies, and a vitamin pack. With a quick check of weight and a heat seal those bags will be boxed and ready for shipping. Picture Fellowship Hall, filled to capacity, with the people of God singing, dancing and joyfully serving. If you have never done 20,000 Meals, you are just one hairnet away from the experience of a lifetime. The bowls we create will be shipped to schools in 3rd world countries, so that children will not just eat for a day but will learn so that they can feed their families for a lifetime. Think of all the lives our Sunday morning Super Bowl of Mission will change!
I invite you to the Super Bowl at LV… Lenape Valley not Las Vegas. The Super Bowl in Las Vegas would cost you approximately $11,600 for a ticket, flight, and hotel room. This price tag does not include food or souvenirs. But at Lenape Valley, the cost of the Super Bowl is an hour of your time, the skill of your hands, and the joy of your heart. Your souvenir- a beautiful red hairnet- is yours for free! I hope you will join us on Sunday morning to partner with what God is doing in the world. Then go home to enjoy the other Super Bowl from the cheap seats in your own home.
With you ready for the best Super Bowl ever!
Posted in From The Pastor
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