Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel
the first day until now, being confident of this,
that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion
until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:2-6
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel
the first day until now, being confident of this,
that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion
until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:2-6
Dear Lenape Valley,
These ancient words of St. Paul’s love letter to the Philippians express my heart for you. Today, I am thanking God for you… for a partnership in the gospel that was formed over nine years ago by the One who called us to walk in faith together. I was the new kid on the block in 2015, welcomed into a fellowship of believers already called to be light and salt on the corner of Ute and Butler. Over the years, more have joined us in that calling, each welcomed with the same grace that you have given to me. Together, we have laughed and cried… learned and served… hoped and struggled. Together, we have known the pain of the valley and the joy of the mountain top.
I thank God for a sanctuary full of light on Christmas Eve as the strains of Silent Night quiet the chaos and call our hearts to the Savior… and then the Happy Birthday Jesus cake shared as families make their way home. I thank God for bells, brass and voices that raise the roof on Easter declaring to a jaded world: Jesus Christ is risen today! I thank God for our All-Saints Day remembrance, as lives are honored and families comforted… a name read, a bell rung, a candle placed on the table for a precious loved one. I thank God for our little ones listening to Carol’s stories, with the rest of us leaning in so as not to miss a single detail. I thank God for the voices of our teens raised in song, their early faith journeys inspiring those of us who have walked the path of faith for decades. Worship is the breath of our community, renewing, refreshing, restoring week after week. I thank God for the privilege of breathing with you, my heart renewed with each dawn.
As worship is our breath, mission is our heart. I joy in our calling to be the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves. Thank you for your partnership in that work. I think of our ever-growing Church Has Left the Building outreach. This year we had 22 projects involving 366 volunteers- ranging in age from infant to 90+, sharing over 1000 hours of volunteer effort (not counting untold Happy Shopper hours). Before the last of that work was done, a call went out for hats and gloves and the bin filled to overflowing in just one week. Last week, the invitation went out for our Christmas outreach that will touch 100s of families in our community. I know the response will be abundant giving a much-needed blessing to our neighbors. Then the new year will find us preparing for the Super Bowl by making 25,000 meals for children halfway around the world. Now that’s a ‘super bowl’!!! In 2025, we will send out an Adult Mission team to do hurricane relief, and a Youth Mission team to care for neighbors in Belize, all while continuing our mission at home. I remember when the world shut down during the pandemic, you stretched out to care for the hungry and help families keep a roof over their heads. Our society cares for ‘me and mine’, but you answer the call to care for ‘the least of these.’ Mission is not just something we do; it is who we are. What a joy to share in that calling.
I thank God for our leaders who serve quietly behind the scenes, their sacrifice giving our fellowship strength and direction. I thank God for our little ones and a church dedicated to loving them into the presence of the Savior. I thank God for long-serving staff, and for the new that God has brought this year to inspire growth. I thank God for the excitement of diving into God’s Word together, often surprised and challenged by the message. I thank God for a fellowship that can struggle with the realities of our society together, not always agreeing, but choosing that blessed tie that binds our hearts in Christian love. I thank God for your sweet invitation to share the joys and the sorrows of life- what a privilege to walk with you in the valleys and on the mountain tops.
I thank God every time I remember you… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion… God has only just begun to work in and through the faith community of Lenape Valley! Now, more than ever, our world needs believers to shine. My little light is not nearly enough… but with you the light of Jesus will be bold and bright. I look forward to shining with you in 2025. I hope you will join in our worship celebration on November 24th as God invites us to share in His mission.
These ancient words of St. Paul’s love letter to the Philippians express my heart for you. Today, I am thanking God for you… for a partnership in the gospel that was formed over nine years ago by the One who called us to walk in faith together. I was the new kid on the block in 2015, welcomed into a fellowship of believers already called to be light and salt on the corner of Ute and Butler. Over the years, more have joined us in that calling, each welcomed with the same grace that you have given to me. Together, we have laughed and cried… learned and served… hoped and struggled. Together, we have known the pain of the valley and the joy of the mountain top.
I thank God for a sanctuary full of light on Christmas Eve as the strains of Silent Night quiet the chaos and call our hearts to the Savior… and then the Happy Birthday Jesus cake shared as families make their way home. I thank God for bells, brass and voices that raise the roof on Easter declaring to a jaded world: Jesus Christ is risen today! I thank God for our All-Saints Day remembrance, as lives are honored and families comforted… a name read, a bell rung, a candle placed on the table for a precious loved one. I thank God for our little ones listening to Carol’s stories, with the rest of us leaning in so as not to miss a single detail. I thank God for the voices of our teens raised in song, their early faith journeys inspiring those of us who have walked the path of faith for decades. Worship is the breath of our community, renewing, refreshing, restoring week after week. I thank God for the privilege of breathing with you, my heart renewed with each dawn.
As worship is our breath, mission is our heart. I joy in our calling to be the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves. Thank you for your partnership in that work. I think of our ever-growing Church Has Left the Building outreach. This year we had 22 projects involving 366 volunteers- ranging in age from infant to 90+, sharing over 1000 hours of volunteer effort (not counting untold Happy Shopper hours). Before the last of that work was done, a call went out for hats and gloves and the bin filled to overflowing in just one week. Last week, the invitation went out for our Christmas outreach that will touch 100s of families in our community. I know the response will be abundant giving a much-needed blessing to our neighbors. Then the new year will find us preparing for the Super Bowl by making 25,000 meals for children halfway around the world. Now that’s a ‘super bowl’!!! In 2025, we will send out an Adult Mission team to do hurricane relief, and a Youth Mission team to care for neighbors in Belize, all while continuing our mission at home. I remember when the world shut down during the pandemic, you stretched out to care for the hungry and help families keep a roof over their heads. Our society cares for ‘me and mine’, but you answer the call to care for ‘the least of these.’ Mission is not just something we do; it is who we are. What a joy to share in that calling.
I thank God for our leaders who serve quietly behind the scenes, their sacrifice giving our fellowship strength and direction. I thank God for our little ones and a church dedicated to loving them into the presence of the Savior. I thank God for long-serving staff, and for the new that God has brought this year to inspire growth. I thank God for the excitement of diving into God’s Word together, often surprised and challenged by the message. I thank God for a fellowship that can struggle with the realities of our society together, not always agreeing, but choosing that blessed tie that binds our hearts in Christian love. I thank God for your sweet invitation to share the joys and the sorrows of life- what a privilege to walk with you in the valleys and on the mountain tops.
I thank God every time I remember you… being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion… God has only just begun to work in and through the faith community of Lenape Valley! Now, more than ever, our world needs believers to shine. My little light is not nearly enough… but with you the light of Jesus will be bold and bright. I look forward to shining with you in 2025. I hope you will join in our worship celebration on November 24th as God invites us to share in His mission.
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more
in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—
to the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:9-11
in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—
to the glory and praise of God.
Philippians 1:9-11
With you in gratitude,
We have lots to be grateful for!
Posted in From The Pastor
1 Comment
In the Associate Reformed PC tradition I grew up in you went to church 3 times a week. Sunday AM, Sunday PM and Wednesday PM. Between services on Sunday it was common to have church pot luck dinners. Between the ages of 5 and 12 I likely consumed more fried chicken than people do in a life time. But on Sunday it was common to spend the entire day at church. My mom cooked, cleaned up, and socialized and chatted with the ladies, until the 7PM service often. Church was not so much worship time for me, but a home and center of the community in Canonsburg Pa.
n One of the women of the church, also my 3rd grade Sunday School teacher was Miss Jenny. Miss Jenny always seemed to be at church. As a child I assumed she just lived there. But Miss Jenny was always there when I was, and seemed to be there when the lights were on anytime. Now it was not until I was in Grove City that I learned the full story. Miss Jenny did have a Mr Jenny at one time. Who was killed along with 1,500 other Marines along the retreat from the Chosen River in the Korean War. Many froze to death. Never remarried, never had any kids. But in a way the close to 2,000 children that passed her way in over 60 years of teaching Sunday School were her "kids", her children. I got Birthday cards from her, every year, at Grove City, Pitt, until her passing in 1987. She sat in the front row of my mother's funeral service when I buried her. Every time I go back to Canonsburg I go to the Oak Springs cemetery and pay respects at her grave.
nMiss Jenny was many things to me, and still is. Who is or was the Miss Jenny in your life? Who remembered you even if you forgot them? Let us all give thanks to the many Miss Jenny's in our lives, Amen.