let the little children come to me
Matthew 19:14
We are always grateful for the opportunity to engage with your children in an exciting, meaningful and fun Sunday School experience. It's our desire for them to know Jesus, and grow in their relationship with Him! Children may join their parents for the beginning of out 9:00 worship service. We offer a brief Children's Moment during the service where the kids can break away to be given a quick lesson about Jesus. Then they are dismissed to Fellowship Hall and to their age-level Sunday School classes. Parents may pick them up there after the service. On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate Communion and the children are encouraged to return to their families to join in the celebration.

Vacation Bible School 2024
VBS Summer Camp was diving deep this year! This past week (July 14-18), our church was filled will VBS Summer Campers running around, making crafts, having snacks, worshipping together and learning about a God who loves them deeper than the deepest ocean!
Join us in worship this Sunday, July 21st, at 9am for our VBS Celebration Service!

EPIC (Everything possible in Christ)
EPIC (Everything Possible In Christ) is a youth group for 4th-6th graders, where we play and sing and learn about the endless Christ-centered possibilities we find in Jesus.
join the fun
Lenape Valley Church is proud to offer year-round ministry opportunities to engage the children from our church and community. Here are just a few exciting ways to get involved!
Sunday school
Children are important to us and we know they look forward to church each Sunday. Join us for Sunday school, weekly devotionals, and fun & interactive games and lessons, so your child can learn about Jesus and connect with our church.
EPIC (Everything Possible In Christ) is a youth group for 4th-6th graders, where we play and sing and learn about the endless Christ-centered possibilities we find in Jesus. We meet on the second Friday each month from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
vacation bible school
VBS Summer camp takes place mid-July in person and virtually in August. Our program is enjoyed by many in our community and virtually across the country. Contact the church office with any questions Office@lenapevalleychurch.org
push the rock
The Push The Rock program provides top notch sport and skill training while challenging participants to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and how a relationship with him will affect all areas of life, not just sports. The sports camp will be taking place in June.
during 9:00 am worship:
Children from age 3 to 6th grade are welcome to join us for Sunday school. Sunday School children are dismissed from worship each Sunday at 9:45 am after the children's teaching moment. Children gather together in fellowship hall for worship, offering, and a video introduction to the lesson of the day. Then they are grouped by age to continue the lesson with fun activities and projects. Once the service is finished, parents may pick up their children in their classrooms. On Communion Sundays, children return to worship in time to celebrate the Lord’s Supper with their families. Nursery care is offered for infants- 2 yrs old.