Do you remember the story of Wisemen in the east watching the night sky? They see a star... they cross a desert… they bring gifts… all to worship the One who is the King of Kings. We retell that story every Christmas with little knowledge of those wisemen of old. To us they are often just ornate, mysterious figures in our creche scenes, and verses in our carols. They were Zoroastrians- star watchers who believed that a cosmic battle of good and evil was being waged, with earth as the battlefield. Light against Darkness. According to Zarathustra, the Iranian prophet who inspired those ancient astrologers, the fate of the world hangs in the balance as that battle rages- the outcome uncertain. Many of us resonate with those ancient star watchers as we endure the battle being waged in our nation these days. Ads … news articles… politicians criss-crossing our state… a countdown to an election that leaves all of us fearful. Both sides of the battle claim to be ‘good’, insisting that their opponent is ‘evil.’ They demand our vote so that ‘good’ can best the ‘evil’ in our midst. They tell us that the fate of our nation hangs in the balance. We want to stay on the sidelines, out of the fray, but there seems to be no avoiding this battle between Light and Darkness. For many of us, like those ancient star watchers, the outcome feels so uncertain.
But that is not what our faith teaches us… John writes in his gospel:
But that is not what our faith teaches us… John writes in his gospel:
In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In Him was life and that life was the light of all.
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot overcome it.
And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In Him was life and that life was the light of all.
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot overcome it.
Those words were written by the youngest disciple, years after he walked with Jesus. By the time John wrote his gospel account, he had felt the sting of persecution many times. He knew how dark this world could be. Yet, he declared a promise- Light wins! The victory has already been won. The outcome is sure and certain because it is guaranteed by the One who is from the beginning. Light over Darkness. No politician… no amount of lies and deceit… no election outcome can change what He has already accomplished. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot overcome it. This promise is true whether we believe it or not, because the victory was won 2000 years ago through a cross and empty tomb.
This past month, Lenape Valley declared that truth again and again as our mission teams served. Light conquering darkness!
Light… Light… Light!
As our Church Has Left the Building, Lenape Valley has stubbornly declared that Light wins!
Friends, I am with you…
On my knees…
Light in the darkness…
Come Lord Jesus!
This past month, Lenape Valley declared that truth again and again as our mission teams served. Light conquering darkness!
- At Carversville Farm, the Light transformed home-style gardeners into garlic farmers. This farm grows food staples to feed the hungry in our community. Carrots, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce… but why garlic? Carversville Farm has a whole garden dedicated to spices- basil, cilantro, thyme… They understand that spice turns sustenance into a joyful experience. Spice celebrates family and culture. Spice brings flavorful light to conquer the dark.
- At Hope Gardens, a musty, dingy, used apartment was scrubbed until it looked and smelled new and inviting. Flower beds were weeded to reveal beauty. A struggling family will find home and security there. Light over darkness!
- At Cradles to Crayons, a team battled against clothing poverty. Each item was carefully inspected and sorted so that a child of God would be well clothed this winter. Light over darkness!
- Donations to Liz’s Closet overflowed the box! Over 200 gifts were given to help make birthdays special. Every child deserves a birthday- that special day that celebrates his/her arrival on this earth. But children in foster care often miss that special moment. Liz’s Birthday Closet provides party fixings and presents to celebrate each child. Light over darkness!
- Lenape Valley’s home cooked meals will bring a little taste of love to the most vulnerable in our community through Caring for Friends. Lenape Valley’s letters will reach prisoners with hope and nursing home residents with Christmas joy. Children in Honduras will cuddle with Lenape Valley stuffed toys. And once homeless babies will be welcomed with blankets and booties. Simple gifts that declare Light over darkness.
- Light will go out across the country in college care packages reminding students of a church and a Savior who loves them. Light will go around the world in Christmas Boxes to bring the joy of the Savior to little ones we will never meet.
- Light burst forth in song as our choir and brass blessed nursing home residents with joy. Gardens were trimmed, gift baskets given, even our furry friends were blessed. 22 Projects… 100’s of volunteers… Light over darkness… again and again.
Light… Light… Light!
As our Church Has Left the Building, Lenape Valley has stubbornly declared that Light wins!
Friends, I am with you…
On my knees…
Light in the darkness…
Come Lord Jesus!
Posted in From The Pastor
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