It’s Who You Know
Consider a situation in which two undergraduates are hoping to get the last spot in a specific graduate school program. Their grades are comparable, but one is best friends with the Dean of Admission's son. Who gets that last spot? It’s who you know… Consider a new job position open at a prestigious company. Two final candidates remain. One candidate may have a better educational background and slightly more relevant work experience, but the other candidate knows someone who is respected within the company. It's possible this individual personally referred and recommended the second candidate. Who do you think has a better chance of getting the job? It’s who you know…
A desperate mother brings her sick child to see their pediatrician. That doctor quickly determines that the child needs to see a specialist. Thankfully, the pediatrician went to med school with a doctor who now works at CHOP, so she makes the call. Suddenly her patient skips the line of waiting children to have an appointment the next day with the necessary specialist. It’s who you know…
Years ago, our friends were building their first house hoping to move in right after their honeymoon, but they ran into delays in the construction that put that timeline at risk. So, the mother-of-the-bride called a friend, who happened to be one of the brothers in Toll Brothers. They had gone to high school together. Their parents still played bridge every week in the lounge of their retirement community. One call and those problems evaporated. That dream home was delivered ahead of schedule. It’s who you know…
When a prospective student takes the tour at Penn State, their Lion Ambassador will remind the tour group that the PSU alumni system is the largest in the country. Penn Staters are known to be very loyal to their own- We Are! A Penn State education can prepare you for success, and that alumni connection can open the door to opportunities to be successful. Penn State actively markets the idea that It’s who you know…
Yesterday, our granddaughter stood in a small group of students to watch the eclipse. Like many of us, she wanted an unobstructed view of the sun, so that if the clouds dissipated, she would see that celestial event clearly through her protective glasses. She found that view on a side runway at Philadelphia airport where only one plane was parked- Air Force II. That small gathering of sun watchers included a person who will go down in the history books as the first. Meeting that person may have topped seeing the eclipse between the clouds… because yesterday our granddaughter watched the eclipse with the first woman Vice President of the United States. I don’t care what your politics are… meeting a woman who has finally shattered that glass ceiling can inspire a teenage girl to know that there should be no limit to what she can do or be. Our granddaughter had that experience because she made a friend last year while performing in a school musical. It’s who you know…
We live in a world where the battle does not always go to the strong nor the race to the swift nor success to the worthy. Often, it’s who you know that paves the way, helping you get your foot in the door. If you have been on the right side of this equation, you are glad for the chance to prove what you can do. In the best scenario, we call this networkingleveraging hard earned connections to access opportunities. Yet, if you have been on the wrong side of this equation, we call such favoritism- bias, nepotism, cronyism, patronage. It’s who you know can seem fundamentally unfair- securing opportunity for some while others find themselves perpetually waiting in line. In those moments, we hate that it’s who you know…
Yet, I spent this past weekend pouring out my heart in the hope that our Genesis group of teens would come to realize that It’s who you know that makes life possible. Knowing Jesus is not like the world’s It’s who you know opportunities where some are in, and others are on the outside looking in. Knowing Jesus is open to all- for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son… that whosoever believes should know life in Him. (John 3:16) I played My Jesus:
A desperate mother brings her sick child to see their pediatrician. That doctor quickly determines that the child needs to see a specialist. Thankfully, the pediatrician went to med school with a doctor who now works at CHOP, so she makes the call. Suddenly her patient skips the line of waiting children to have an appointment the next day with the necessary specialist. It’s who you know…
Years ago, our friends were building their first house hoping to move in right after their honeymoon, but they ran into delays in the construction that put that timeline at risk. So, the mother-of-the-bride called a friend, who happened to be one of the brothers in Toll Brothers. They had gone to high school together. Their parents still played bridge every week in the lounge of their retirement community. One call and those problems evaporated. That dream home was delivered ahead of schedule. It’s who you know…
When a prospective student takes the tour at Penn State, their Lion Ambassador will remind the tour group that the PSU alumni system is the largest in the country. Penn Staters are known to be very loyal to their own- We Are! A Penn State education can prepare you for success, and that alumni connection can open the door to opportunities to be successful. Penn State actively markets the idea that It’s who you know…
Yesterday, our granddaughter stood in a small group of students to watch the eclipse. Like many of us, she wanted an unobstructed view of the sun, so that if the clouds dissipated, she would see that celestial event clearly through her protective glasses. She found that view on a side runway at Philadelphia airport where only one plane was parked- Air Force II. That small gathering of sun watchers included a person who will go down in the history books as the first. Meeting that person may have topped seeing the eclipse between the clouds… because yesterday our granddaughter watched the eclipse with the first woman Vice President of the United States. I don’t care what your politics are… meeting a woman who has finally shattered that glass ceiling can inspire a teenage girl to know that there should be no limit to what she can do or be. Our granddaughter had that experience because she made a friend last year while performing in a school musical. It’s who you know…
We live in a world where the battle does not always go to the strong nor the race to the swift nor success to the worthy. Often, it’s who you know that paves the way, helping you get your foot in the door. If you have been on the right side of this equation, you are glad for the chance to prove what you can do. In the best scenario, we call this networkingleveraging hard earned connections to access opportunities. Yet, if you have been on the wrong side of this equation, we call such favoritism- bias, nepotism, cronyism, patronage. It’s who you know can seem fundamentally unfair- securing opportunity for some while others find themselves perpetually waiting in line. In those moments, we hate that it’s who you know…
Yet, I spent this past weekend pouring out my heart in the hope that our Genesis group of teens would come to realize that It’s who you know that makes life possible. Knowing Jesus is not like the world’s It’s who you know opportunities where some are in, and others are on the outside looking in. Knowing Jesus is open to all- for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son… that whosoever believes should know life in Him. (John 3:16) I played My Jesus:
He makes a way where there ain't no way
Rises up from an empty grave
Ain't no sinner that He can't save
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He's done for me
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus
And let my Jesus change your life
Rises up from an empty grave
Ain't no sinner that He can't save
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He's done for me
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus
And let my Jesus change your life
It’s who you know is at the core of our faith, not what you know or what you do. Knowing Jesus is the heart and soul of the faith. How desperately I want our teens to know Him!
Yesterday, I watched the eclipse from the driveway of my home. I had a clear view of the sun. What an amazing sight, watching the moon move across the face of the sun, each moment more spectacular, until the clouds swept in obscuring the view. I wonder how often I am the cloud that obscures the view another would have of Jesus and His grace-filled love. He is the Waymaker, Promise-Keeper, Miracle Worker, Light in the Darkness. Meeting Him is not a once in a lifetime opportunity, he is the One who makes a lifetime full of opportunity.
May we spend our lives pointing to Him,
Yesterday, I watched the eclipse from the driveway of my home. I had a clear view of the sun. What an amazing sight, watching the moon move across the face of the sun, each moment more spectacular, until the clouds swept in obscuring the view. I wonder how often I am the cloud that obscures the view another would have of Jesus and His grace-filled love. He is the Waymaker, Promise-Keeper, Miracle Worker, Light in the Darkness. Meeting Him is not a once in a lifetime opportunity, he is the One who makes a lifetime full of opportunity.
May we spend our lives pointing to Him,
Posted in From The Pastor
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