Before you dig in…
We have all been there… hungry at the end of the day… the food piping hot… the smells inviting… the stomach grumbling. Our fork is poised as we hear those famous words- “Before you dig in…” My mother said those words so often we should have etched them on her tombstone at Arlington. They were her reminder to pause, before a bite was enjoyed, to pray. Mom believed in the importance of giving thanks to God. She taught us that all that we have and all that we are is a gift from the Creator. Not one bite should be enjoyed until we gave thanks. My father followed that lesson with its companion- thank mom! Thank God from whom all blessings flow and thank mom who made those blessings so very tasty.
Mom’s famous words- “Before you dig in”- are woven into the fabric of my being. But even so, too often I dig into the feast, finishing every last crumb before that pause comes. In those moments, I hear my mother’s words again: “I guess tonight we will give a Jewish blessing.” She taught us the Old Testament practice of giving thanks not just before the meal, but also during and after the feast was enjoyed. We see that practice in the description of Jesus’ last supper with the disciples, before he faced the cross. He gave thanks as he broke the bread, and then again with each cup poured. The final blessing made sure that all who enjoyed the feast remembered the Giver of the feast from start to finish. Thanksgiving wasn’t just the first act, but rather the attitude that defined the true essence of the feast. Those nights, when we were too hasty to start feasting, mom would have us give a double thanksgiving at the endwhat the Bible calls re-joicing!
In the spirit of re-joicing, I offer a simple note of thanks for all that God did this past weekend at Lenape Valley Church and for the servants of God who made that feast so yummy! From the rising sun ‘til the setting of the same, there was joy in the house of the Lord at Lenape Valley… and on His lawn. The feast was abundant! It was, as St. Paul described to the Ephesians, “immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20-21) The blessings started Sunday in worship, where we welcomed the newest members of our faith community- Alice D’Agostino, Helene and Gary Lesslie, and Deb and Chris Milano. With each new member, God strengthens our fellowship and stretches our mission. Thank you, God, for giving us new partners in mission and friends in faith. What joy!!!
As soon as worship concluded, the set up began for the Free Fall Fest. The weather could not have been more perfect! When we selected the date four months ago, we could not have imagined how perfect it would be. Our main criteria for the selection of the date was choosing a Sunday when the Eagles were not playing. Our Fest would be rain or shine. We were ready to offer an indoor experience, but being on the lawn was so much more inviting to our neighbors. Thank God for clear blue skies and warm breezes! And thank you Lenape Valley for showing up, creating a sea of blue shirts on our lawn- a faith community ready to welcome our neighbors to a simple afternoon of food and fun. What joy to see children of all ages chasing bubbles, racing through the blow-up obstacle course, playing games, and enjoying a feast of fall fest foods. Many thanks to our Fellowship Team for creating that feast and a Cake Walk that sent many neighbors home with sweet treats for tomorrow. Thanks to our Property team and our staff for their prep work. And a special thanks to Faith Frank and Laura Cooney for months of tireless work organizing, gathering materials, and rallying our LVC team for an afternoon of Fall Fest fun. The burden of work on Sunday fell light on our shoulders because of their work behind the scenes. Thank God from whom all blessings flow!
And then, before we knew it, the 6:00 hour had come… Again, many hands gathered tables and chairs, games, bubbles and food… They are right to say many hands make lite work. Thank you, Lenape Valley, for serving to the end. But the end of the Free Fall Fest was not the end of the feast on Sunday. Our Lenape Valley musicians offered us a banquet of desserts to finish the feast that day. From the first sounds of jazz and the crisp notes of our brass ensemble, to a little taste of Disney, a bit of gospel, a flourish of traditional, and a deep dive into the power and sweetness of contemporary… the feast was immeasurably more than all that we asked or imagined! Thank God from whom all blessings flow!
Thanks to our brass, singers and instrumentalists for hours of hard work to create a gift that seemed so effortless. Thanks to our tech team for all your efforts behind the scenes that supported that gift and recorded that gift so that we can enjoy it again and again. (Share the concert with a friend ) A special word of thanks to Kevin Hamp and Tim Campbell for their vision and tireless work to bring the idea of a Fall Fest Concert into reality. Their partnership is a joy to behold! Thank God from whom all blessings flow!
Lenape Valley, Sunday was just the kick-off to a season of joyful service that we affectionately call the Church Has Left the Building. I look forward to working side by side with you as the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves.
With you on the mission field,
We have all been there… hungry at the end of the day… the food piping hot… the smells inviting… the stomach grumbling. Our fork is poised as we hear those famous words- “Before you dig in…” My mother said those words so often we should have etched them on her tombstone at Arlington. They were her reminder to pause, before a bite was enjoyed, to pray. Mom believed in the importance of giving thanks to God. She taught us that all that we have and all that we are is a gift from the Creator. Not one bite should be enjoyed until we gave thanks. My father followed that lesson with its companion- thank mom! Thank God from whom all blessings flow and thank mom who made those blessings so very tasty.
Mom’s famous words- “Before you dig in”- are woven into the fabric of my being. But even so, too often I dig into the feast, finishing every last crumb before that pause comes. In those moments, I hear my mother’s words again: “I guess tonight we will give a Jewish blessing.” She taught us the Old Testament practice of giving thanks not just before the meal, but also during and after the feast was enjoyed. We see that practice in the description of Jesus’ last supper with the disciples, before he faced the cross. He gave thanks as he broke the bread, and then again with each cup poured. The final blessing made sure that all who enjoyed the feast remembered the Giver of the feast from start to finish. Thanksgiving wasn’t just the first act, but rather the attitude that defined the true essence of the feast. Those nights, when we were too hasty to start feasting, mom would have us give a double thanksgiving at the endwhat the Bible calls re-joicing!
In the spirit of re-joicing, I offer a simple note of thanks for all that God did this past weekend at Lenape Valley Church and for the servants of God who made that feast so yummy! From the rising sun ‘til the setting of the same, there was joy in the house of the Lord at Lenape Valley… and on His lawn. The feast was abundant! It was, as St. Paul described to the Ephesians, “immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20-21) The blessings started Sunday in worship, where we welcomed the newest members of our faith community- Alice D’Agostino, Helene and Gary Lesslie, and Deb and Chris Milano. With each new member, God strengthens our fellowship and stretches our mission. Thank you, God, for giving us new partners in mission and friends in faith. What joy!!!
As soon as worship concluded, the set up began for the Free Fall Fest. The weather could not have been more perfect! When we selected the date four months ago, we could not have imagined how perfect it would be. Our main criteria for the selection of the date was choosing a Sunday when the Eagles were not playing. Our Fest would be rain or shine. We were ready to offer an indoor experience, but being on the lawn was so much more inviting to our neighbors. Thank God for clear blue skies and warm breezes! And thank you Lenape Valley for showing up, creating a sea of blue shirts on our lawn- a faith community ready to welcome our neighbors to a simple afternoon of food and fun. What joy to see children of all ages chasing bubbles, racing through the blow-up obstacle course, playing games, and enjoying a feast of fall fest foods. Many thanks to our Fellowship Team for creating that feast and a Cake Walk that sent many neighbors home with sweet treats for tomorrow. Thanks to our Property team and our staff for their prep work. And a special thanks to Faith Frank and Laura Cooney for months of tireless work organizing, gathering materials, and rallying our LVC team for an afternoon of Fall Fest fun. The burden of work on Sunday fell light on our shoulders because of their work behind the scenes. Thank God from whom all blessings flow!
And then, before we knew it, the 6:00 hour had come… Again, many hands gathered tables and chairs, games, bubbles and food… They are right to say many hands make lite work. Thank you, Lenape Valley, for serving to the end. But the end of the Free Fall Fest was not the end of the feast on Sunday. Our Lenape Valley musicians offered us a banquet of desserts to finish the feast that day. From the first sounds of jazz and the crisp notes of our brass ensemble, to a little taste of Disney, a bit of gospel, a flourish of traditional, and a deep dive into the power and sweetness of contemporary… the feast was immeasurably more than all that we asked or imagined! Thank God from whom all blessings flow!
Thanks to our brass, singers and instrumentalists for hours of hard work to create a gift that seemed so effortless. Thanks to our tech team for all your efforts behind the scenes that supported that gift and recorded that gift so that we can enjoy it again and again. (Share the concert with a friend ) A special word of thanks to Kevin Hamp and Tim Campbell for their vision and tireless work to bring the idea of a Fall Fest Concert into reality. Their partnership is a joy to behold! Thank God from whom all blessings flow!
Lenape Valley, Sunday was just the kick-off to a season of joyful service that we affectionately call the Church Has Left the Building. I look forward to working side by side with you as the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves.
With you on the mission field,
Posted in From The Pastor
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