A Week After…
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
A week has passed, but still the emotions of our nation are running high. I imagine that some among us are brokenhearted while others are feeling hopeful. How often we struggle to understand one another. Such is the messiness—and the beauty—of a community that believes that whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, there is a place for you here at the table. Our Lenape Valley fellowship is not bound together by political agreement but by the call of faith. Over the years, we have stood strong because we have stood together in the Lord.
I am grateful to stand with you as we navigate all that is to come. A pastor friend has an African proverb on his office wall: “When you pray, move your feet.” I love that Lenape Valley does both with passion and gusto. Many are asking, “What now?” While that question will require much prayer and discernment, I know with certainty that we are called to be God’s people on the corner of Ute and Butler. We are called to grace not judgment, to faith not fear. We are called to be a safe-haven in the storm. We are called to be the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves. To be anything less would allow the worst instincts of humanity and the darkest forces of politics to win the day.
During the month of November, Lenape Valley has undertaken the Gratitude Challenge- giving thanks for God’s blessings. In this time of uncertainty, it may seem odd to give thanks, and yet, that is God’s healing invitation today. Take a moment to remember that God is good… all the time… especially today. If you pause today to count God’s blessings, you will discover that we have lots to be thankful for.
As God’s thankful people, let us be light and salt in a world that desperately needs grace. May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
With you… on my knees… and moving my feet… all at the same time!
A week has passed, but still the emotions of our nation are running high. I imagine that some among us are brokenhearted while others are feeling hopeful. How often we struggle to understand one another. Such is the messiness—and the beauty—of a community that believes that whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, there is a place for you here at the table. Our Lenape Valley fellowship is not bound together by political agreement but by the call of faith. Over the years, we have stood strong because we have stood together in the Lord.
I am grateful to stand with you as we navigate all that is to come. A pastor friend has an African proverb on his office wall: “When you pray, move your feet.” I love that Lenape Valley does both with passion and gusto. Many are asking, “What now?” While that question will require much prayer and discernment, I know with certainty that we are called to be God’s people on the corner of Ute and Butler. We are called to grace not judgment, to faith not fear. We are called to be a safe-haven in the storm. We are called to be the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves. To be anything less would allow the worst instincts of humanity and the darkest forces of politics to win the day.
During the month of November, Lenape Valley has undertaken the Gratitude Challenge- giving thanks for God’s blessings. In this time of uncertainty, it may seem odd to give thanks, and yet, that is God’s healing invitation today. Take a moment to remember that God is good… all the time… especially today. If you pause today to count God’s blessings, you will discover that we have lots to be thankful for.
As God’s thankful people, let us be light and salt in a world that desperately needs grace. May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
With you… on my knees… and moving my feet… all at the same time!
Posted in From The Pastor
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