Lenape Valley Church is Re-Opening
Lenape Valley Church is re-opening on Sunday, July 5th for in-person worship @ 9am
[Doors will open for seating at 8:30am]
Online worship will continue live at 9am on our website and Facebook. You can find a recording of the worship available anytime on our website.
When you come to worship at Lenape Valley Church:
- Please note the change in worship time from 9:30am to 9am!
- Please respect social distancing while you are in the facility.
- Social distancing limits the seating capacity of the sanctuary, so Fellowship Hall will be open for overflow seating at the 9am worship.
- Masks are required in the facility. Parents: For pre-school aged children, you can use your discretion regarding masks. Children are expected to stay with their parents while in the building.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the door as you enter the building. Please use hand-sanitizer before you enter and as you leave the building. You are welcome to bring and use your own sanitizer.
- All surfaces and areas will be thoroughly disinfected before and after worship.
- Because of the Restroom Renovation project, restrooms are available in the Office hallway and downstairs in the Youth Room. An ADA wheelchair accessible portable restroom will be available until the restrooms are completed.
- If you are in a high-risk category due to health or age, we trust you to make a wise decision for yourself and your family. The state and county health department recommend that high-risk people attend services by watching online.
- If you have symptoms of sickness, please join us for worship online from the comfort and safety of your home.
- Lenape Valley will receive the offering via baskets at the door, online and through the mail. No plates will be passed in worship.
- No books or paper will be available in the sanctuary. Worship information, song lyrics and Bible passages will be on the screens. Feel free to bring your own Bible to worship.
- Coffee hour will be suspended until further notice.
- Please enter and exit the building without congregating in the lobby area. Feel free to talk with your friends on the sidewalk, grassy areas and parking lot before and after worship.
- There will be no children’s program or nursery care on Sunday mornings at this time until we feel we can provide a fun, safe, and engaging experience. We will offer a Children’s Message during worship with children staying with their families.
- Children are welcome to join their parents for worship. Children’s worship packs will not be provided, so parents are encouraged to bring “kid fun” with them.
- Rocky Railway Vacation Bible School will be Virtual this year. Check the website for links to all the fun. VBS will begin Sunday, July 5th and continue each week until our final celebration on August 9th.
Youth Ministry:
- Youth Group will meet this summer for outdoor fun on Sunday evenings. Watch for information or check the website.
- We will follow CDC guidelines for group activities, including social distance and masks.
For any additional information, please reach out to the church office by Office@lenapevalleychurch.org.
Posted in Ministry
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