The Church building is closed today due to weather. Please email us at if you need help with anything.

Welcome to Monumental  VBS!

Welcome to VBS 2022 here at Lenape Valley Church!
We are excited once again to provide an awesome VBS experience to your family! This year we were able to host VBS in-person. We have recorded the program to share with those who were not able to make it this year.

Like last summer, we will be releasing a video over the course of 4 weeks. Each Sunday we will release a video starting Sunday, July 31st. One video will include worship, bible stories, crafts and more! You may access these activities at any time so you may choose a time most convenient for your family.

You are welcome to join us for Worship In-Person or Streaming Live on LVCLive each Sunday at 9:00am.

Find all the videos to each week below on this page as they become available! Enjoy and have fun!

Week 4!

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

This week, please send us a pictures and videos of your child(ren) singing and dancing to their favorite VBS songs!
We will be compiling them to use in our Worship Opener next week.
Upload by sending them to

Mission Focus -providing clean water resources to remote areas

 Please consider donating canned goods and other non-perishables to help local families in need. Items may be dropped at the church office weekdays from 9:00 - 3:30 or on Sundays during 9:00 worship.

Thank you!

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