Dear Lenape Valley,
Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ!
I love the mission heart of our faith community. Your generosity during this COVID season has amazed me, both your support of our ongoing ministry and your extra giving to support the Deacon’s Fund.
With your support, we have given:
Dry goods and Giant gift cards to the Barclay Food Drive
Fresh fruit and vegetables to Manna on Main
Uber gift cards to the Women’s Recovery Center
Regular support to our ongoing missions nationally and internationally
Gift cards to families in need
Backpacks to children at Urban Promise and our Preschool
Red Cross and Samaritan’s Purse support for families hit by the storms
$1000s to the New Britain food larder
100s of homemade meals to Caring for Friends
This COVID season seems unrelenting, so we know that the needs will continue into the fall and winter. Thus, we are determined to continue our mission tradition of the Church Has Left the Building this fall. Our theme is: Chasing Lions, exploring God’s call for each of us to step into the mission! Each week- in worship, in the Daily Devotional and in our Lion Chaser Bible study- we will hear God’s call to be the mission of Jesus Christ to the world God so loves. Individually and together, we will live into that mission week after week.
The Mission team is finding creative new ways to accomplish some of our favorite missions:
College Care Packages
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Community Recognition Baskets
Pet Pantry
Caring for Friends
Youth Food Donation Parade
Gift of Life House
And many more!
We are hopeful that you will add to the list by helping a neighbor with a simple task, or writing a ‘thinking of you’ card, or … Be creative in how God might use you to bring a grace-full touch into someone’s life. Discover the joy of being a Lion Chaser in the name of Jesus!
With you chasing some lions! Anita